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About curtain rod installation skills, curtain rod manufacturers share. About curtain rod installation skills, curtain rod manufacturers share.

2022-11-17 15:35:00

The length of curtain rod installation is very particular. For most windows, the length of curtain rod only needs to be 30cm longer than the window frame on both sides. However, there are many types of rooms and different types of windows. For different windows, the choice of curtain rod length is also different.


1. What is the appropriate length of curtain rod The curtain rod has a length requirement in the installation process, and it is not randomly selected. For most windows, the length of curtain rod only needs to be 30cm longer than the window frame on both sides; However, there are many types of rooms and different types of windows. For different windows, the choice of curtain rod length is also different. At present, most of family houses are large windows covered with walls. For such windows, the installation length of curtain rod and the width of window frame are added with 30cm at both ends; That is, if the width of the window is 180cm, the total length of curtain rod should be 240cm.


Second, how to install curtain rods? If you want the curtain rod to look good, the height and width of the installation must be reasonable. Before the curtain rod is installed, it is necessary to determine its installation position, namely the installation height and width. The width of curtain rod can be determined by the width of the window, which is -20-30cm more than both sides of the window width. The installation height of curtain rods is different from that of concealed rods. The installation height of exposed rods is in the middle position from the ceiling to the window frame, while concealed rods are at the top of the curtain box, or at the side of the curtain box. Third, where is the center of curtain installation? The installation center of curtain has a lot to do with the installation position. The following small series illustrates the curtain installation in the living room and bedroom for your reference: 1. Living room If the living room has a large space, then hang the curtains next to the door crib, which will serve as a partition. The window screens are installed on the balcony, and the window screens are usually pulled up during the day and the curtains are opened, so that the space is large and the privacy can be guaranteed. 2, bedroom Nowadays, bedrooms generally have bay windows, half windows, L-shaped and U-shaped bay windows, etc. If the bedroom area is not large, it is recommended that all curtains and window screens be installed in bay windows. If the area is still quite large, it is recommended that the window screens be installed on bay windows and the curtains be installed in them to achieve this effect and practical performance.


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